Barabar is a
social design collaborative
We work with communities to design for
social justice and preferred futures
What we do
We collaborate with organisations and collectives to design solutions that put equity at the center.
We speculate future worlds to ask what-if questions about the society we are moving towards.
We develop tools and insights to contextualize design discourse to the Indian context.
How we do it
Systems Thinking
We use systems thinking to dive deep into the whys and hows of a world and find potential spaces for disruptions
Speculative Design
We speculate on future worlds to offer provocations on desirable and undesirable futures stemming from present realities
Design Research
We use feminist participatory research methods to co-produce knowledge about various worlds through intersectional lenses
Diffusing design
We honour existing design capabilities in communities and co-create new processes of change with communities
Building Capabilities
We mediate knowledge sharing and work to build capabilities in desired skill sets based on community needs
Design Justice
We take a design justice lens across our work that challenges structural inequalities rather than reproducing them.